Dallo scrittore e illustratore Colin Lorimer (The Hunt, Harvest), una delle menti creative emergenti della nona arte e dalla colorista Joana Lafuente (Transformers, Firefly) e dal letterista Jim Campbell (Giant Days, Blade Runner 2019) arriva Daisy, una storia sia terrificante che bellissima.
Questa la sinossi della miniserie edita da Dark Horse
A desperate mother’s five-year search for her missing son leads her to the small town of Brimount and to the mysterious Phillips family. Daisy Phillips, like many teenagers, has a hard time fitting in, but not for the usual reasons. Daisy stands eight-and-a-half feet tall and is still growing, but her troubles with ill health, daily ridicule, and custom-made clothing are only the tip of the iceberg. Daisy may well be descended from a race of cannibalistic giants spawned from the outcasts of Heaven!
Lorimer dice del progetto: “Sono felice di essere tornato alla Dark Horse Comics! Il loro logo attaccato a Daisy gli conferisce il sigillo di approvazione “horror”.
Daisy #1 (di cinque) sarà nelle fumetterie USA l’8 dicembre 2021.